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You're here:  Denver > For Rent > Houses > Conveniently located 3br, 2.5 Bath House
Conveniently located 3br, 2.5 Bath House
Price: 1595
Visits: 685

Date Posted: 7/2/2012 11:33:08 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: homes4rent  
Address: 2498 S Argonne St, Aurora, CO 80013  
Beautiful, 2 story house in Sterling Hills (Southeast Aurora). Approx. 2000 sq.ft with A/C, 3BR, loft, 2.5 bath, fireplace, family room, living room and kitchen with dining area. Porch, large patio and a large backyard. 2-car garage with lots of storage space. Includes washer, dryer, fridge, dishwasher and mounted microwave. Less than 5 minutes drive to Buckley Air Force base, highway and several shopping centers. Available starting Aug 1, 2012. To learn more please email Aftab or call toll free at (877) 279-0527 ext 138361.

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