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You're here:  Denver > For Rent > Houses > Directhomes Rented 4bd 2.5ba 2cr Tri-level+bsmt
Directhomes Rented 4bd 2.5ba 2cr Tri-level+bsmt
Price: 1400
Visits: 673

Date Posted: 6/5/2012 7:51:52 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: homes4rent  
Address: 16524 E Floyd Avenue, Aurora, CO 80013  
sorry this one has been rented. thanks:) visit directhomesmgmt website others will add others in a few days as well. Aurora Tri-level plus finished basement in Meadowood Buckley& Hamden area all 4bedrooms on upper level main level has living room, forml dining room, eatin kitchen, lower level step down from kitchen has family room with fireplace, hall laundry area, 1/2 bath basment has rec room, work out room, home includes large fenced back yard, back patio, rv parking , 2 car garage . This home rents for $1400 per month, security deposit is $1500. you may view slideshows,details, instructions,applications, contact numbers on directhomesmgmt website.more pictures by end of week. you must contact directhomesmgmt to schedule viewings. each adult must have background should not exceed 1/3 of monthly income. To learn more please email Dave with DirectHomes&Mgmt or call toll free at (877) 279-0527 ext 136246.

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